A leading service based company, specialized in Open Source solutions in Belgium requires a Drupal based Customer Support Portal for OpenERP. Project, also financial information should be provided.
Zesty Beanz developed a standard Drupal module which will create database tables within the current Drupal database. The module is able to select and assign an OpenERP partner to the Drupal site user. The module shows the data of a customer in a Drupal way. Zesty Beanz combined OpenERP, PHP and XML¬RPC together to push the data from the OpenERP database to the corresponding database tables of the Drupal database. A scheduler is designed to run in a fixed interval to synchronize the OpenERP data and the Drupal data.
Drupal's permission system is utilized by the Drupal module to categorize the Drupal user and provide them different levels of information.
It is really simple to use a Drupal system. Drupal provides the security to stored data. When the OpenERP customer becomes the Drupal user, customer can see their data like current projects, tasks, task details. Fully featured financial information regarding the Products used, their invoice status, created invoices, payment details and balance information. Various PDF reports can be taken from the Drupal portal. All these are aimed to enhance the customer relationships using a better and simpler interface between OpenERP and Drupal.