ZestyBeanz Technologies Pvt Ltd
4th Floor, Nila, Technopark
India – 695581
Phone: +91 471 4063254
Fax : +91 471 2700171
ZestyBeanz Technologies Pvt Ltd
61/3236, Manikkath Cross Road
Ravipuram, Kochi, India - 682016
Phone: +91 484 4063254
Zesty Labs
Office # 2003, Millennium Plaza Building
Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai, UAE
Phone: +971 4333 2222
Mobile: +971-52-7553466
ZestyBeanz Technologies GmbH
Reuterstraße 1
90408 Nürnberg
Fon: +49 911 4801 444
Fax: +49 911 4801 445
Totally custom build modules for replacing their existing application to handle the HR and staffing processes. Major requirement was managing Curriculum Vitae(CV) of candidates and there related contracts. The requirement specifies rapid access of CV & Contracts, Keyword search, automatic indexation and classification of CV's & contracts and provision for searching out documents based on different criteria's.
An IT product & service distribution company based in Hamburg, Germany which deliver innovative telecommunication products throughout Europe.
A leading service based company, specialized in Open Source solutions in Belgium requires a Drupal based Customer Support Portal for OpenERP. Project, also financial information should be provided.
A leading import-export company specialized in textile products in Portugal and Switzerland requires to synchronize number of OpenERP databases at different locations with a main database. The synchronization feature will synchronize records in Destination databases on the basis of the records present in the Main database. User’s access must be controlled as needed.
Fourth largest international airport in India requires a Software Application to Fully Automate Perishable Cargo Terminal. Need the application with to be integrated with all the automation hardware and also work in synchronization with the EDI of Indian customs.
A Consulting company in Belgium dealing with domestic and international Projects with the requirement to manage the Projects effectively with the employees for a serviced company in general with some specific functionalities.
An IT Service Provider based in Poland requires an E-Learning Management System (LMS) component for Joomla especially with facilities like Interactive learning (video conferencing), forum, quiz management, e-portfolio etc.
A Human Resource consulting and Staffing company requires to build modules for replacing their existing application to handle the HR and staffing processes. Contact management with customers and candidates and associated Document Management System was the major requirement. The whole process and management of costs to calculate Margin on resources, job tracking, communication handling was also needed to be implemented through OpenERP.
A Trading company based in Spain requires to Implement OpenERP for Finance, Inventory, Purchase, Sales, and Production departments. There were multiple ware houses in different geographical locations. Sales happen considering stock in all the locations.
Handling the customized sales and purchase process for products with BoM.
A service provider in ADSL, VoIP, Hosting servers etc in Belgium requires to have a fully functional Subscription module on the OpenERP system. The module should ensure automation of billing according to bill cycle and packages for each customer with real time data. Integration of VoIP and ADSL softwares with the OpenERP based back end application.