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ERP for Manufacturing Companies

    In today's aggressive business environment it is essential to be prepared to face a vast and competitive world. Like any other industry manufacturing companies also are facing so much competition. To withstand  the competition, organization must have a proper system and software that supports whole system with integrity. Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the ways to improve and streamline the system.

ERP for manufacturing company gives supports in term of data availability, decision making time, and information based decision. It gives a seamless connectivity between product planning, product development, material sourcing, inventory, and shop management.

ERP integrate all data of an organization into a unified system and synchronize them .The software uses multiple components of computer software and hardware to achieve the desired integration of a company’s different departments.


Benefits of ERP for manufacturing companies:

• It integrates all aspects of the business processes; manufacturing, design, sales, customer services, finance and planning. It provides more efficient work flow and improved productivity.

• The implementation helps organizations to keep lower prices, better quality and quicker delivery.

• One of the great benefits - It provides everyone in the production operation on the same page looking at the same real-time data.

• Less paper work, less input data and less repeated work - From enquiry to work orders, any input data is available to everyone. It improves organizations productivity.

• ERP reduces the inventory cycle time. It works well with JIT and pull-production. It increases inventory turnover also.

• The departmental benefits include faster design, accuracy, production and efficiency.

• The systems provide right information to the right people at the right time anywhere in the world, enables you to improve productivity, enhance decision making and fast communication between employees, customers and vendors.

• It eliminate duplicate work, repeated data entry, and automates all processes. It provides easy access to information.

• The system standardizes the manufacturing processes and improve overall quality.

• Web based ERP software can provide flexibility and convenience in implementation and operation

   While choosing an ERP, Organization size is an important factor because some ERP solutions in the market are simply too large and complex for a SME. If your organization size is not big then there is no need to take big integrated software. If you will take big software, only 20% - 25% of its features can be utilized. Why should you pay for 100%? There are so many ERP products available in the market for SME segment.Open ERP is one among them. One among the fastest growing Open Source ERPs.


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