Import RFQ/Purchase Order in Odoo
Import RFQ/Purchase Order from CSV sheet
Here we are discussing about the working of the Odoo module Import Purchase Order/RFQ using CSV sheet which is used to perform mass import of purchase of products in Odoo. From below picture shows the import purchase order menu.
Steps to be followed to achieve mass import of Purchase Order:
Create a CSV sheet which contains some mandatory data. The CSV header should contains ProductCode, UnitPrice, Quantity. No other data required for this import. Productcode is the important field, because this import is mainly done by the matching of the Product Code field in the ODOO Products.
Apply the Upload RFQ/PO menu, Purchase → Configuration → Upload RFQ/PO. A new form (wizard) is appeared. There are two type of data we should enter, one is Supplier the other is CSV sheet which is previously created
Supplier, CSV sheet entered in that wizard and apply Upload button, Which create RFQ(Purchase Order)
Purchase Order created can be viewed in Purchase → Requests for Quotation
The red marked line is the one which is newly created RFQ(Purchase Order).
Newly created RFQ(Purchase Order) form view. After this normal Purchase order starts.
Courtesy Abhishek