OpenERP 7 Web Color Theme
One of the main feature of OpenERP 7 is the extend of the customization that can be done on both frontend and backend. But for a normal user to do some basic customization on the frontend of the OpenERP, he must have some knowledge in CSS and JavaScript. But in most of the cases the end user who uses the OpenERP will not have much knowledge in those fields.
We have developed a module called web_color_theme that allows the user to make small changes in the appearance of OpenERP with out the need of an expert. The module can be installed as a normal OpenERP module. Copy the module to the addons path the server and install the module from OpenERP client. After installing the module, a new menu will be created in the "Settings". The menu path is "Settings -> Web Theme -> Web Theme Configuration". A screen shot is shown below:
We can specify the colors then need to be used in the OpenERP web client. The field "Top Bar Gradient" specifies the color that need to be used in the top bar, "View Manager Header Gradient" color of the view header of form and tree view, "Left Bar Color" is the color of the leftbar, "Font Color" is the color of the font that need to be used in the OpenERP, "Main Menu Font Color" is the font color of the main menu, "Sub Menu Font Color" is the font color of the submenu, "Top Bar Menu Font Color" is the font color of the topbar menu items, "Tab String Font Color" is the font color of the tabs, "Button Background Color" is the background color of the buttons, "Link Color" is the color of the links like email, url links, many2one fields, view switcher etc., and "Form Background image URL" is the image that need to be displayed as the background of the form view. We can ether give the web url of the image or image stored in /web/static/src/img folder. In such a case the link can be given as "/web/static/src/img/form_sheetbg.png" else you can give the direct web address. A screenshot is given below:
A video illustrating the module feature is shown below:
The module is attached with the blog.
Module can also be downloaded from launchpad bzr branch lp:~r-launchpadzbeanz/zbeanz/web_addons
Attachment | Size |
---|---| | 6.02 KB |