Sales commissions module in OpenERP
Here I am goinig to explain how to use Sale Commission module in OpenERP 6.1. This module is already available in the This module is very usefull for many business organisation which provides an easy and low cost automaton of sale commission allocation to there employees and agents.
The work flow starts with setting up Commission Types and Creating Agents. For each new agent creaeted, we will select a commission type. We can assign a sale agent to customers. This is done in the customer form itself using the new field created for this purpose. Sale agents can directly be assigned to sale orders also. In a sale order, sale agent will be filled automatically based on the customer(if the customer has already assigned an agent) or we can manualy assign sale agents. To calculate the commission for each sale agent run the the link “Perform agents settlements” in sale agent form. Agents settlements summary is available through the menu “Sales/Commission/Sale Agent” and Settled invoices summary is available on menu “Sales/Commission/Sale Agent/Reports/Settled Invoices Summary”
Steps for creating Commission Types:-
1)Go to Sales/Configuration/Commissions/Commission Types
2)Create new record.
3)Enter Name and Select an Commission Type
4)Commission Types are 'Fixed percentage' and 'By Sections'
5)Enter Definition rate according to selected Commission Type
Steps for creating Sale Agent:-
1)Go to Sales/Commission/Sale Agent & create new record
2)Please enter values to following fields values
Name :- Sale Agent's name
Type :- Adviser/Commercial
Related entity or employee:- It is associated employee if 'Type' is Commercial or it is partener if 'Type' is Adviser
Applied retention :- Tax
Active :- True
Period Settlement :- Commission Settlement period for that Sales Agent
Commission by default :- Commission type
Assigning Agents to Customers:-
1)Go to Accounting/Customers/ Customers
2)Open a Customer
3)Go to tab Sales & Purchase
4)Add agents in the field Agents and Commissions
Assigning sale agents in sale order:-
1)Go to Sales/Sales/Sale Orders & create new record
2)Select Customer
3)Select tab 'Other Information'
4)The sale agnet will already in the in field 'Agents and Commsion' if sale agent is assigned to the customer
or we can add a sale agent in there
5) Confirm the Sale Order and Pay the Invoice
Agent Settlement :-
1)Go to Sales/Commission/Sale Agent & open a record
2)Click the link “Perform agents settlements”
3)Entre From date and To date
4)Click on 'Run Settlement Agents' button to calculate commission for that sale agnet
Agents settlements summary:-
1)Go to Sales/Commission/Sale Agent/Reports/Agnets Settlements Summary
2)Select the record in list to the settlement details
Aettled invoices summary:-
1)Go to Sales/Commission/Sale Agent/Reports/Settled Invoices Summary
2)Select the record in list to the settlement details